why not use notion?


i have been using this set up for a long time— let me just quickly put down my feedback and things those missing in here and I need them daily.

1. loading: if the page is not pre-loaded it will take forever to load where i want to switch between templates with the speed of thoughts.
2. once there's record saved in any template: they are buried forever until i come back to that template and check.
3. i can save tons of date in a template but can't build a workflow to process them, imagine I am saving all my work to-dos from linear, and notes, urls in that above Inbox template— it will become so messy and will require manual work to organize them where I want to execute/consume them not organize.
4. the above set up contains all my data like a second brain but there is no accountability where I want to get a notification that your to-do is burred forever it's time to check or you have to goal/roadmap you're not working on them, or your are running behind your capacity.

5. i am basically paying $10/month for a database that loads like a turtle.

conclusion: notion is a full-stack note taking software where you can build your own tool or databases to organize things and organizing/dumping things in a database is just motion not action.

and if you're a maker and don't want to wrap your head around motion— you need a tool that works with the speed of thought and actually get your things done — that's march.

— march is open source and built in rust, join our discord to see what we are cooking or schedule a demo.